i often get a skin problem. the problem is this. suddenly my skin starts itching in some area .previously i had it on my leg .now its my hand.its turns out to be a small boil.its becomes red. and within a day or two the near by places turn out red,where as the main part turns out brown.one day puss forms which would come out and what remains is a hole atleast of 0.2 to 0.5cm deep. when i went to the doctor he said "this often occurs because of the sweat getting into the hair root and so itching occurs and the space which was occupied with that sweat will remain as a hole".
though two different doctors say the same reason,i am not satisfied with that. see even now i have got something similar to it. and i donot sweat often. what shall i do to stop this. the area, turns into a black spot,which i cannot remove at all.what should i do to avoid this problem.any remedies to remove those black spots.
Another skin problem..?
Eczema is called the itch that rashes.
First you get the itch and when you scratch, you get rashes.
You have eczema.
Reply:Walgreens has a dark spot remover at the site below.
Reply:doctor sona kakkanum.loose,loose
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