Friday, August 20, 2010

Skin over inner corner of eyes?

It's kinda hard to describe, but, where most people have and eye shape that allows for the inner corner of the eye to be easily seen (that little pink part right outside of the eyeball itself), I kinda do and kinda don't...I have skin that kinda stretches from the bottom inner corner of my eye up to the eyelid, idk, it's real hard to explain. I just want to know if there is any sort of term for this or if it's a condition, if my eyes are just deep set, etc... I can obviously provide a picture if asked.


Skin over inner corner of eyes?
The fold of skin is called an epicanthal fold. Asians have it as well as people who have Down syndrome.
Reply:i think i know what youre talking about, but can i see a picture?
Reply:can you show us a pic?

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