Monday, August 23, 2010

How do you get rid of skin infections?

My husband gets skin infections. Terrible skin infections. He gets them in his underarms. But worse where his belt lays and the insides of his thighs. The ones under his belt are worst they weep all the time. They have puss pockets the size of nickles. He has been to the doctor and put on medication but it didnt work. And the doctor refuses to send him to a dermatologist. (Medicaid) But he wont take a sample to test them either. The puss is green and yellow and bloody and nasty. The only way he can walk sometimes is if I pop them.

I know if you mash them you can make the infection go deeper. So I put on gloves and clean the area with alchole and iodine. Then take a new autoclaved peircing needle and make a hole in it. And drain it. But that doesnt get the infection gone, just removes pressure. What can we do to heal this up and make them all better.

How do you get rid of skin infections?
He needs to go to and get some Silver Cream which is a 100% Natural antibacterial agent. It is inexpensive and they ship worlwide. I use it for the same purpose and it works great.
Reply:what kind of doctor do you see ..... Have he seen a dermatologist. I have haad all kinds of problems with skin and they solve them. It s necessary to make sample and test of all kinds. Allergies,viruses. Go soon as u can to the specialist, change doctor.

shell flower

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