For the last three months there has been a place on my nose that has been scabbing over and then the scab comes off and then it re-scabs and then I try a cream and band-aids and it still does this, and then I use a different cream or ointment and it does it again, and on and on. The way it came about makes my feel that there's a deeper problem to this. It's not from a wart or a pimple, but the skin there became different of a different texture. No discoloration though. Then the initial chafing and scabbing. I would accept any answer. I'm curious about a homeopathic answer.
How do I heal the skin on my nose?
I recently discovered Melaleuca oil. It is a natural antiseptic. It is good for sooo many things. My first testimonial about it is when my son had a very itchy rash on his back and I decided to try the oil and it stopped itching almost instantly after I applied it. If you want to find it, it is on their website, It is safe to put on open wounds, even in your mouth. It is in all of their products, including their toothpaste. If I were you, I would try it. It sounds kinda odd that the sore keeps coming back. Take care! By the way, I've heard that the oil helps rosacea.
Reply:May be you have Rosacea.
check rosacea nose on google search engine.
Reply:At night put a thick layer of zinc oxide on your nose and make sure to stay out of the sun or where sunscreen. I get a scab on my nose every year because of the sun. Hope this helps!
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