Monday, August 23, 2010

What should I do about a deep crack in my foot?

I have/had a bunch of warts on my feet and have tried several ways to get them to go away. Consequently, my skin is very dry and rough on the ball of my foot and has developed two cracks. One crack is pretty deep and has just started to hurt. It's not bleeding, but it's definately deeper and red. I just started putting lotion on it. But is there anything else I should be doing?

What should I do about a deep crack in my foot?
Apply a moisturizing cream twice daily to the affected heels, such as flexitol heel balm

Use pumice stone to reduce the thickness of the hard skin.

Avoid open backed shoes or thin soled shoes

Buy shoes with a good shock absorbing sole

Never try to pare down the hard skin your self with a razor blade or a pair of scissors!
Reply:I think you should first put on something like an foot cream and if that doesn't help, go see a doctor...they can tell you the right treatment..
Reply:If the crack in your foot is that deep, you probably need to put something on it besides lotion. I would suggest getting over the counter triple antibiotic ointment and putting in and on the crack. Then I would put a large amount of vaseline, or good lotion on my feet and cover them with socks. Do this every time you are at home, and sleep with them on. The socks will hold in the moisture and also prevent you from falling from the grease on your feet. If you develop any drainage from the crack, redness of the foot, increase pain or streaks up your leg, see your MD immediately. Hope this helps!
Reply:First you probably have plantar warts and the only way to get rid of them, and you do want to, is to have them froze by a doctor.

As for the cracks, lotion is not going to do it. Try some Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (I add vitim E to mine) and bandage it. Also if you use waterproof bandage tape, tape it across the crack after you have pulled it together. The best way is to apply one end of the tape on one side of the crack and then pull tight across the crack and place the other side of tape on.

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