Monday, August 23, 2010

Grain of sand splintered deep into my finger?

i was at the beach yesterday and i threw a sandy rock into the ocean and a grain of sand cut through the skin and lodged into my fingertip. i tried to get it out, but my fingers were dirty. i let it be after about 20 minutes assuming there was nothing in there, but today it's a little red and hurts to put pressure on it, as though it were a shard of glass. it looks like a tiny water blister, but the pain makes me think that the grain is clear and that's what i'm seeing. it's deep and went in on an angle so there's no way i can get to it with tweezers or a needle. can this cause infection? HOW can i get it out myself?

Grain of sand splintered deep into my finger?
I warn you, this is gonna sound completely crazy but I swear it works. Get a little piece of uncooked bacon fat, cover the spot and bandage it up well so that the bacon stays in place. Leave it there overnight.. Something in the bacon fat draws the irritation to the surface so that you can take it out with tweezers.

I learned this from my great-grandmother, who was the local medicine woman/midwife in the Ozark Mountains in the 19th century. I've used it several times on really stubborn splinters and thorns that I couldn't get out any other way.
Reply:Lol Alice K..... I'm going to try that some day!!

I got so mad at this exact same thing one time I took out my knife and mangled my finger 'til it was out.... I wouldn't recommend that.

Maybe a warm water soak would help?

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