Friday, August 20, 2010

Why am I all sudden getting deep, swelling , cystic acne?

I've never got acne before or had a problem, maybe occasionally a pimple or too. I'm a 25 year old male and now have deep, swelling , cystic acne around my chin area. It's only like 2 or 3 but there big and they hurt. What am I doing wrong? I was my face with dial anti bacterial soap twice a day? Could it be that? Or could it be that I'm using benzoyl peroxide too much to clean the skin and its irrating the skin and causing swelling. The last thing I can think about is that I sometimes like to try to pop the pimples around my chin and the chin area may just be real tendor and then I cause cystic acne? What do you think?

Why am I all sudden getting deep, swelling , cystic acne?
From what it sounds like, these are not cycstic acnes...they are boils. You say they are on your chin; that's where I started getting them too at the age of 30. It is caused by ingrown hairs. The hairs get stuck in the skin and cannot come out, thus causing an infection that looks like cystic acne. You need to see a doctor ASAP. Because I thought mine was just acne too and I tried to pop them. Big mistake. First of all, it was extremely painful and very hard to get them out (If I got them at all). Boils need to be surgically drained. Please don't take this lightly. I tried to "treat" my own boils and now I have a chin filled with deep scars. Your best bet is to go to the dermatologist and show them what's going on. they will be able to tell you right away that it's not acne, but boils. Even products like Accutane won't work b/c boils come from Staph Bacteria infection and ingrown hairs whereas Accutane deals with acne that is brought upon by excess oil in the glands. Two very different types of skin conditions. So don't use benzoyl peroxide, etc. It won't work. See a doc please. Good luck. And remember, don't touch them (I know how painful they can be :(

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