Thursday, July 22, 2010

All natural way to moisturize dry skin?

ive been useing neutrogena deep clean on my skin and now im getting flakes all around my nose and i think its gonna start going on my cheeks(there starting to go sorta scaley but not peel, yet) i've stopped useing anything but the scurb and one of those makeup removing scrub thingys. and im looking for something i can make at home, or a really good mositurizer that i can find really easy if theres no all natural ways.

oh, and my skin is useally oily in the t zone, and i sometimes get breakouts on my nose and chin, so i cant just stop washing my face... lol

All natural way to moisturize dry skin?
Try something that is like Clean %26amp; Clear daily moistureizer (i think

its moistureizer) but they work pretty good. but maybe stop using

the facial scrubs and washes and stuff and just stick to thewarm

water and wash cloth remedy. Like try that for about 2-5 days.

see if something like that works, and if it doesn't, and liek

you've tried a couple of times on a few different things, ask your

parents to schedule an appointment for the dermatologist.


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