Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fairly deep cut, no stitches...?

I got a pretty deep cut on the palm of my hand at work two weeks ago (deep enough to see the fatty layer below the skin) and didn't get stitches. I basically stabbed myself with metal rod and it peeled back quite a chunk of skin. It left a flap of skin that was making it difficult to keep it clean so I removed that part but stopped at the thicker part that was still partially connected. I've kept it clean and it hasn't gotten infected but now that part is sticking out alot and the skin itself is numb like it is dying. The exposed fatty part is healing, but the wound basically isn't closing back up. What should I do?

Fairly deep cut, no stitches...?
Well, I guess you know by now you did need stitches. See your doctor as soon as you can.
Reply:Make a visit to the doctor, you may have to have the next layer of tissue excised so that it can properly heal together. They may even be able to re-cut, then stitch it for you. You should get it checked asap, as you are losing viable tissue as it continues to degrade.
Reply:they won't stitch now but it will heal in do time just keep it clean if in doubt check with the doc
Reply:i got get stitches and a tetnis shot, you need stitches because you dont want extra bacteria gettin in there and making things worse
Reply:You need to see a doctor ... there is possibly nerve damage and you may require a skin graft to cover the defect (the open portion of the wound) .... seek professional medical advice
Reply:Go to the ER it sounds like you screwed up your nerves. You seriously should have gone to the ER right away.

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