Saturday, July 24, 2010

I have a patch of rough, hard skin on the sole of my foot?

Its not that big but its deep as ive already pick some hard skin away. Are there any home solutions that I can put on it so I can remove it

I have a patch of rough, hard skin on the sole of my foot?
go and see a teropadist. i cant spell sorry.. they can cut it off or soak in hot warm and then kind of scrape it off fith a knite or a pad you can get from the chemist
Reply:Get a foot file and try and file it down. Best to treat is using Eucalyptus foot cream to soften the area. Having soaks in warm water to soften the skin then apply the cream after drying with a towel. Wear sock (preferably cotton), eventually it will be easier to file or just become soft.
Reply:That is a calous. Use a pumice stone to remove it.
Reply:why not just moisturise it and put on some socks over the moisturiser...the same can be done with vaseline but do it at bed time as it may cause slippery feet!!!u can also use a nail file and file it down gently before hand
Reply:Don't pick at it, because it's hard to grow back and you can get an infection. They are just callises, put some good lotion on, and cotton socks. Everyone has em` though.

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