Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pimple-like bump left deep scar on forehead, what could it have been?

i apologize if this is already somewhere on the boards, as i posted it the other day, but it appears to have been deleted...about a year ago i felt a pain above my eyebrow as if a large pimple was forming did not form into a pimple, but rather an irregularly shaped, lumpy bump (roughly 1/4" diameter). at this point, i went to the dermatologist who diagnosed it as "mystery bump"....she put me on antibiotics, but in a few days the bump began to scab over, even though there was never blood and it was never open..the scab just appeared on my skin....and when the scab came off, i was left with a deep little crater on my was as if this bump/scab thing had eaten away at my flesh...does this sound at all familiar to anyone? no doctors have been able to diagnose it...thanks!

Pimple-like bump left deep scar on forehead, what could it have been?
It does indeed sound like a boil. A very close friend of mine gets these on her underarms and some of them form a head and some do not but they all leave a very bad scar. She doesn't even wear tank tops because the scars are so bad and they look like craters. If it ever happens to you again and you get anything like it again you can go to a drug store and get what they call a drawing ointment which may make it come to a head. I heard that Mederma cream really does help with scars. If you are self conscious of the scar on your face try Mederma. My mom's neighbor just had a tummy tuck and her scar was AWFUL and went from hip to hip and it was purple. She has been using Mederma for 3 months, or maybe a little longer than that, and it has drastically reduced the appearance of the scar. It is amazing stuff. Anyway, sorry to write a novel, but it does sound like you had a boil.
Reply:Acne will do that, as might a boil that cleared (from the antibiotic)
Reply:it could be.


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