Thursday, July 22, 2010

Help! My cat has a sort of deep wound, how do i treat it?

He is an indoor/outdoor cat. He obviously got in a fight or something, and there is no way i could get my dad to take him to the doctor. It's really hard to describe the wound, it's not a slit or scratch, it looks like two rather deep chunks of skin taken off, each one of the 'holes' are right next to each other and are about a centimeter wide, and you can see visible depth. There is no hair in the area of the wound and the wounds themselves are blood red and still very wet, not dry scab. He constantly licks it. I am very worried, what can I do to treat his wound? Help! This cat is my life.

Help! My cat has a sort of deep wound, how do i treat it?
he needs to go to a vet

in them mean time, keep them clean, dont let hair get into them, if they get infected at all you will have a serious problem
Reply:take em to the vet..
Reply:He NEEDS a vet. He could get an infection in the muscle and die. Tell your dad to get over it. If you can't, take the poor cat to an SPCA and turn it over to them so they can treat the wounds and find it a home that is willing to care for it properly. You can't treat this sort of thing yourself.
Reply:You will not have your cat very long nor he his life. The wounds will become infected and he MUST have antibiotics. They are only available through a veterinarian. You cannot successfully treat him yourself.
Reply:I know it's Saturday night, but your cat should really see a vet as soon as it's possible. Until then, clean the wounds and treat them with neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment. As far as what the wounds could be from, they may be bite wounds. I hope your cat is up-to-date on his shots.
Reply:He needs to see the vet... Surely your dad isn't that cold hearted?!?
Reply:call your county animal control, explain what happened, they can contact a vet for you and may even help you get your cat treated,, as it may now have rabies, I would call right away
Reply:You can go to drug store they have butterfly stitches and get a small tenser bandage shave around the area put stitches on ( they are just like bandage) then rap tenser around the area . You probably need someone to hold the cat change very day leave for 5 to 7 days then she'll take care of the rest. Make sure that she doesn't lick it open.
Reply:you need to talk your dad into taking him to the vet. tell him you will do extra chores to pay for it or something. but in the mean time keep it clean and maybe try some hydrogen-peroxide.. and try to keep him from licking it if you put it on the wound.
Reply:You really do need to go to a vet....good luck
Reply:you need to keep the neosporin on it, not the kind that contains pain relief...keep applying it as often as he will let you, not only will the topical antibiotic help him as he licks it the medication (antibiotic) will get into his system as well...and i hope he is current with his shots (rabies) cause it sounds like a bite wound and hopefully whomever bit him doesnt have rabies...keep your kitty inside Much safer!!! good luck to you and your kitty
Reply:I also feel this cat needs medical attention. Some wounds can be treated at home using people ointments and keeping the site clean but this sounds too deep to let go. If your dad won't take the cat to vet, call around. Most states have free or inexpensive pet clinics or even call a shelter(such as a no kill type or rescue type) and tell them of the situation. Look online and put in Rescue or shelter for the state you live in and it should give you info.Then maybe someone will pick up your cat, treat it and return it to you.Theres a lot of pet lovers around who if they knew of the situation they would try to help.Or do you have a family member, friend, or someone who you could ask to help?
Reply:As all the others have said, it needs a vet. Even if you could treat the wound at home, you can't tell if further, more life threatening damage was done inside--a vein or something could have gotten damaged and he could be bleeding inside. Also, cat bites are notorious for bacteria. Your cat will probably need antibiotics for that alone. If the woulds are deep and a lot of tissue was ripped apart, it may need to be sewn back in place. And, as someone else mentioned, there's the threat of rabies (hopefully, you get your cat vaccinated every year since you allow him outside). If your cat is as valuable to you as you say, you will be willing to spend all your savings on the vet fee, make your dad take you and the cat to the vet, or find someone else willing to be your guardian for the vet visit--a relative, a best friend's parents? You can try the local SPCA if you can get it there, sometimes they will medicate an injured pet if the owner can't afford it. Just don't delay because the bacteria is moving through his body and the sooner you can get some serious antibiotics going, the better off for your kitty. Good luck.
Reply:I agree that you really should get him to the vet, but I also know that sometimes, that just isn't going to happen.

I'm assuming since the cat goes outdoors that he is updated on his shots. If not, you need to keep him isolated from other animals %26amp; humans. If he gets sick, dies, or bites you in the next few days, tell your parents. Regardless of his shots, do not let him outdoors until he is healed.

If you have any antibiotics (human form), you can give him 1 pill a day. Crush it up %26amp; mix it with gravy, or raw meat, or soft cat food. Also, keep the wound clean - peroxide or anti-biotic salve should do. Keep in mind though that he probably won't like this treatment.

It's hard to tell without seeing the cat, but the wounds don't really sound too serious to me. Keep him clean %26amp; dry. Maybe even give him some extra protein to keep his strength up.

Good luck.
Reply:If you cannot take it to the vet, at least call one and ask for some advice. This person who suggested giving it way. Do not give any antibiotics to your cat, without advice from a vet!!!

I happen to know that you can give a tiny portion of aspirin, but you need to get your vet to direct you on it.

Also, the licking of the wound is good for the cat. Let him lick the try and stop it, that is not good. The cat is cleaning it, and this is a good thing.

Do not put medication on it, until you talk to a vet... be sure of what you are doing. You can kill your cat by giving it something poisonous to it's system, or too much of something - causing toxicity.

Keep the kitty isolated, it needs to be alone, or just with you.

Let your father know...if you take the kitty in now, the wound will be treated properly and this will avoid infection. Wounds, specifically bite wounds...can ultimately kill a cat. My cat had a wound - it got infected...and, we never even saw the wound. She had a horrible smell coming from her mouth, and she was very sick with a fever. The vet had to give her a shot of antibiotic, and I had to treat her with oral antibiotic. Your dad needs to understand...this will get more serious.

Good luck to you...

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