Saturday, July 24, 2010

What's Up With My Skin?

My skin is sensative I think and combination as well...I have like 4 pimples if that but the thing that makes my skin look bad is the blemishes and texture/tone. When my pimples go away they leave blemishes that are hard to get rid of and I am up for the challenge but don't know what to use. The pores on my nose look big/deep if you know what I mean. The skin on my uppercheeks next to my nose looks the same. Every 1-7 days I try a new face wash and I know that is half the problem I am not consistant with anything. Salycic acid makes my skin look funny so I thnk it is too harsh but I don't know what else to use for blemishes. Peroxide has no effect on my skin (crazy hugh). Immediately after I wash w/ some things it makes my pores close and look smaller but in a couple hours they go back to looking ugly. What can you tell me what is up with my skin and what products can I use I love Dove by the way but I think I may need something for the blemishes. Also how do I properly clean my face?

What's Up With My Skin?
Drink more water!
Reply:go to a dermitalagist
Reply:uhhhh.. wow. like the biggest question ever! seriously, i think this is a question you need to see a skincare professional about. my mother suffers large pores and believe me, there are solutions! .. just not on Yahoo answers.

this really seems like something you need to see someone professionally about. there are plenty of skin clinics around so it's not an issue. if your willing to spend a decent money on keeping your skin beautiful, which you may need to do, than invest in natural products (if you can afford), which i strongly recommend.

i really hope this helps you!! good luck!
Reply:um... if you aren't over 40 yet

then dont worry about "sagging and wrinkles"

that's a bit early to worry about all that


and it's a good thing that you use new face wash, i have heard that helps skin and nourishes it =)

um... i wouldn't recommend any new products until you see a demortologist

b/c it's weird that your skin doens't improve after peroxide

also try using soap, like natural material made soap

i used to have a lot of acne

and now i use soap instead of facial wash from jars

since then my facial skin has been better (actually much improved ) hehe

hope this helps

ps. still i'd recommend you seeing a demertologist

that way you get professional help
Reply:First of all, Don't wash your face with hot water. Always use lukewarm water. Your face is probably so oily because its so dry. i know that's not how a professional would explain it but your face produces oil to moisturize. You need to be using a good moisturizing lotion in the morning at at night. In time, this will help reduce your oily skin problem. Also, it should reduce pore size. your pores are so big because they are producing so much oil

The face washes you are buying at Wal-mart or any store of that sort, are bad for your skin and making the problem worse. invest in a good face wash. Ultimately everything you are doing is drying out your skin and therefore you are producing more oil.

Go get a couple treatments from an aesthetician. They are better than dermatologists and cheaper. Talk to them about your problems and they will be able to educate you. they will also have some great quality face washes and moisturizers. I have a friend that is an aesthetician and I have been seeing her for quite a while now. Before i went to her weekly, I had larger pores and very oily skin.

***Everyone on here is telling you to go to a dermatoligist. This means they all know nothing. Don't waste your time with them, go to an aesthetician. They treat the skin with natural methods, not harsh drugs that will make you suicidal among other things

*** I'm reading other peoples' answers and I am complerely unimpressed. If your skin is oily thats exactly why you need to use a good moisturizer after you clean your face well morning and night. Always wash and rinse with luke warm water. Not cold, but just warm enough that its not cold. i am very passionate about this topic and you are getting a lot of bad info, and then some basic info. yes drinking water is important but not going to make a noticible difference with your problem. Once you correct the oiliness and get a great cleanser, you are going to notice you skin start to feel more firm again and that will reduce the look of the lines you are talking about.

Also, flax seed oil helps reduce pore size, you can get it at GNc or wal-mart for that matter in tablet form. Here's what is said about it: "The essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil are largely responsible for its skin-healing powers. Red, itchy patches of eczema, psoriasis and rosacea often respond to the EFA's anti-inflammatory actions and overall skin-soothing properties. Sunburned skin may heal faster when treated with the oil as well. In cases of acne, the EFAs encourage thinning of the oily sebum that clogs pores.
Reply:girl if your brown like me u can't listen to white folks no offense different king of skin. get a gentle cleaner and a mild scrab. and i light toner. clean you skin twice with the cleaner in the morning. once to clean and than to get any exra stuff. than use the toner only on the dark spots. than at night use the clearner than the scrab. use a light mosterizer. ( i spelt it wrong but u know what i mean) if your face is oily don't need to add so much. your skin is cloged thats y u have open pores and don't use hot water use warm but more on the hot side not to hot. than when u rinse ure warm but not to cold it sends your skin into a schock from hot to warm. wash in gentle circles.
Reply:Drink lots of water and invest in skin care products (creams, face wash) from some reputed companies like zenmed or murad.


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