Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Which tankini color would you get for summer 2008? Flamingo Pink or Deep Yellow? (I'm a brunette/Olive Skin)

I think the pink would go well with your skin color. I'm guessing that you're a little darker? If you get yellow, it might make your skin look a little weird.. i don't know. sorry, i don't know if im coming across as mean. i don't mean it in a mean way! So i think pink would be a nicer color, and it certainly stands out =) for summer, it will be perfect. I'm picturing a smoothie with it x.x

Which tankini color would you get for summer 2008? Flamingo Pink or Deep Yellow? (I'm a brunette/Olive Skin)
flamingo pink!
Reply:depends on ur skin tone and stuff. go with a friend to get it
Reply:I think the yellow would be great with your coloring.
Reply:Deep Yellow. It's a tough call but I think that would look beautiful against your skin color.
Reply:Yellow ALWAYS goes good with olive skintone. Definitely go with the yellow!
Reply:DEEP YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont listen to those other people. this color compliments ur skin tone and is very sexxay!!!!! remember, DEEP YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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